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Mitigating Default Risk in Private Lending

Mitigating Default Risk in Private Lending

Like their traditional counterparts, private lenders are seeking to mitigate the default risk associated with accepting borrowers. Lenders have a few features they use to decide on risk, including requirements for collateral and assessments. Putting together some information allows lenders to tailor loan terms for these applicants.

Borrowers can be responsible by taking a realistic look at their ability to repay a loan and looking for transparent agreements.

What Strategies Do Private Lenders Use to Mitigate the Risk of Default?

Private lenders emphasize different criteria when approving applications. Whereas a traditional bank or credit card company focuses on several aspects, like a credit score, alternative lenders focus more on equity than on your credit number. 

Properties need to be appraised, and the overall condition is essential. Private lenders can mitigate risk here since appraisers offer an accurate property valuation. According to the Appraisal Institute of Canada, the gold standard private lenders and mortgage brokers use is The Full Appraisal Report. It includes the exterior and interior appraisal of the property and a search and analysis. 

Private lenders offer property-based loans, so there’s a physical attribute if the borrower defaults. For traditional lenders, applicants get a green light based on their ability to repay loans. The equity they’ve built up in their property is only a secondary consideration. A private mortgage is qualified based on its location and value. An applicant’s financial situation carries less weight.

Working with bad credit mortgages presents a higher risk to private lenders, which is why they usually charge a higher interest rate than more conventional institutions like banks and credit unions. 

How Can Borrowers in Ontario Avoid Defaulting on Private Loans?

When someone borrows money and fails to make payments according to the terms of the agreement, a private loan can default. Despite economic uncertainty and rising interest rates, consumers are expected to meet their loan obligations

Understanding your options is an excellent way to avoid financial pitfalls like a foreclosure or power of sale. Both of these should be avoided, even though a private lender can help prevent an eviction. 

Here are some tips for avoiding a default. 

  • Debt consolidation is another product commonly offered by private lenders. It’s also an excellent way to avoid defaulting. Debt consolidations can offer lower interest rates than credit cards. Remember, combining different payments into one single one makes the process streamlined and simple. 
  • Budgeting is an excellent way to plan how to meet your financial obligations. There are a few different systems that you can use. For example, a traditional budget is simply a list of your current expenses and income. You can start by adding in any future income and subtracting any upcoming expenses. One of the other popular methods is the 50/30/ 20 rule. You allocate half of your income to essential expenses and 30% to discretionary spending. Twenty percent goes to investing and saving.

Remember that you must adjust regularly as your financial situation changes. Even with the best planning, sudden job loss or unexpected home repairs can push you closer to a default.

What Happens in Cases of Loan Default in Private Lending?

Taking on any kind of mortgage, whether it’s by a traditional or private lender, is an important and serious matter in Ontario. Although default is uncommon ( with statistics saying less than 2% of mortgages default), private lenders have some tools to recoup their money if things go that way.

The Power of Sale 

During a power of sale, the lender takes the right to sell the property. In Ontario, the power of sale is a quick process that starts a few weeks after a mortgage default. The homeowner receives any excess funds from the home or property sale. 

The Foreclosure 

A foreclosure is a longer process, and the borrower does not get any profits from the house sale. Lenders don’t need to go to civil court to get an order here, and successful lenders get title to the property. They will keep all the money because they will sell the home on an open market. 

The Differences  

There are some differences between the two, like the ones already mentioned. It’s also important to note that a borrower is not responsible for any remaining mortgage amounts after foreclosure. However, they can be sued and held liable for any costs or debts left over after a power of sale. 

Private mortgages need to be considered from all angles. That includes considering safeguards from a borrower’s perspective.

Are There Any Insurance or Guarantee Mechanisms for Private Loans?

Generally, traditional lenders require mortgage loan insurance if an applicant’s down payment is less than 20% of the purchase price of a property. This type of insurance helps protect lenders against default. This is often called Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) insurance. Unfortunately, private mortgage lenders do not have access to CMHC or other mortgage default insurance. This is partly why private mortgage lending is riskier than traditional mortgage lending. Some private lenders can set aside some money to automatically make mortgage payments each month on behalf of the borrower. This kind of arrangement guarantees that the borrower cannot default for non-payment during the pre-payment period.

Are You Looking for A Private Loan?  

Mortgage Broker Store focuses on private mortgage-related products, including second mortgages. Mortgage applications that don’t meet traditional lending requirements are a specialty. Our team of private lenders, brokers, and licensed mortgage agents is ready to help.  Let us help you get a mortgage loan that fits your requirements today. 

Email ron@mortgagebrokerstore.com or call 416-499-2122.

About Jonathan Alphonso

Mortgage Agent, Web Developer, and Real Estate Investor. Together with Ronald Alphonso I run MortgageBrokerStore.com. I write about a variety of topics on Canadian mortgages and real estate. Our particular specialty is dealing with Ontario power of sale and foreclosure situations.